Nathan Eyles Game Design
Capture & Evade
This assignment called for creating a GDD (Game Design Document), with no limitations on topic, genre, or audience.
I decided to create something based on a recent experience with my partner. He was watching me play Overwatch, and was struggling to understand what was going on. He had only a very basic understanding of the game, but found everything to just be far too chaotic for him. This got my ideas forming.
Capture & Evade is a 'simple' 3 vs 3 online game I conceptualised. Now I say simple... yet there's very little that is simple about it.
Players are selected into one of two teams; the Red Team and the Blue Team. Each team member controls one point of a triangle, and has complete control over their point of that triangle. One teams objective is to capture the other team within their triangle. The other teams objective is to not get caught in that triangle, but also to collect randomly spawning stars within the available play area.
The capturing team must complete their objective within the time limit, the evading team must either evade capture OR collect enough stars to end the round. To add to the chaos, random 'powers' appear within the play space. These can be collected by any member of either team, and may assist or hinder their efforts. To keep with chaotic theme, no team communications are included, so team members must use visual clues to attempt to coordinate.
You can download the GDD below.